Thursday, August 30, 2007

You Can't Always Get What You Want...

I got the word from Bryan to do something about the multiple sewing machines and the sewing supplies everywhere. There is not a lot of places to put them, and I need to rearrange. I need to sit down and re-arrange my fabric piles. It's time to get my chair back from the fabric that has eaten it. I guess I don't blame him, he's not the sewing type and is tired of seeing it. I can't claim that I disagree with him. I did a lot of work before we left for War.

My new project is to put some simple blackwork on the Tudor chemise on the cuffs and the collar. I've got some simple designs that should look fairly good if I can find some direct documentation for it in a middle-class outfit.

Oh and I meant to mention that even though my previous Pennsic entry sounded like I was whining, I really had a great time and I'm already ready to go back.

Hmmm...I'm thinking of starting my fighting armor soon as well, since I can't go to practice until it goes indoors because of my class. I really like the idea of practicing later in the evenings on Wednesdays.

There's a cider pressing coming up at Odo and Dulcinea's house on the 9th. I'm trying to get Bryan to come since it's not a sanctioned event (so no garb unless you want) and I'd like to see the process. I've done pressing with the antique press my uncle hass, but that was for a demonstration for kids at the farm.

I'd also like some new research books...any recommendations?

That's the word for now, going to see The Simpsons Movie tonight in Williamston, and we're seeing the Rob Zombie "Halloween" this weekend.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Back from WAR

So I'm back and have suffered through the returning migraines and sickness. Probably the most miserable vacation I've ever been on, but it was worth it just to go again. Let me give some highlights:


--It was scorching hot with little wind, even up on the hill where we were camped. We ended up arriving about 10am when the sun was at it's hottest and most scorching. I promptly took a fitful nap for two hours after I got my tent up.

--Woke up to find that my "tiredness" from being up for 30 straight hours was actually a cold I caught from the twins before I left. We're still all three recovering after two weeks.

--Decided to go out that night with Iohann (now named Io...sounds like Yo by the Clan) and promptly fell down in The Bog and bruised my shins and twisted my ankle.

--Io turned into a human carboy due to my not-so-great mead and was drunk on three beers. He stumbled home like a champ.


--Woke up still sick with a sore throat. Coughing ensues and continues through the week.

--Went to the store and promised my first born child for a 10 caplets of Claritin-D.

--Went out to the Tir Thalor elf party with good homemade mead and got drunk on three cups.

--Stumbled back home to bed and then stumbled back up again and did my first official throw up in a porta-john.


--The rain begins.

--Went to opening ceremony with the Barony of Northwoods contigency. We're the oldest in the Kingdom, so we marched right behind the stinky Midrealm unbelted Champions. Couldn't stop coughing louding in the front row near the dais while King Dag was talking.


--First day of fighting. Went down to help waterbear. If I'd had mroe clothes on, I would have not gotten so cold when the rain started. Near the end of the battle, which was brutal for the fighters in the rain and heat, lightening struck south of us and the battle was called. The East took the day.

--Got a call saying that Grandpa's funeral was scheduled on Saturday the 12th. Grumpy and surly because of this.

--Got down to the bog and promptly fell down again, this time injuring my left wrist fairly badly and re-twisting my ankle while scraping both knees and shins again. Got really dirty this time. Really grumpy now. Cried a little from frustration and anger.


--Hot and raining. Can't remember much.

--Corn Party at Shadow Clans camp.


--Hot and raining again.

--Midnight madness night. Wish I'd had some money to buy some stuff. I need rattan for weapons, linen and wool for court garb, and leather for shoes. Also should have talked to the armorors.


--More heat, more rain.

--Io hurt himself in the Woods Battle and decides to elave on Friday because he can't fight with a bad knee on Friday.

--Clan dinner in camp. After dinner, the Clan had a meeting. After the meeting, the new people in camp were invited to join the Clan. Radegund expects an answer at Vikings Come Home. I'm honored and I cried when I got into my tent alone. I'm still pondering the decision, but I think I'll ask Radegund if I can wait to decide to join until I'm an authorized fighter so I can wear the Clan colors to fight in.


--Before we get ready to leave, the camp goes out to eat and eats a giant bowl of ice cream and brownies together.

--Pack up and leave later than we expected.

--Drive and drive and drive.

--Stop at a rest stop in Ohio and practice fighting techniques for about an hour and a half because Io doesn't have time to show me before he leaves for Jordan.

--Finally arrive home at 2am.

WOW. What a week. I got a lot fo great pictures, though thankfully few of them with me in the shot. As soon as I have the money, I'll get them developed and post them. Io has some and when he gets them up on facebook, I'll steal them and put them up here too.

Any questions? hahaha...I'll be back to my own garb in about three weeks.

I need to make some money, so if anyone needs any Tudor or earlier period chemises done, I can do them in handkerchief linen for $20. I can do them in bleached or unbleached cotton muslin for $10. Let me know and we can set something up. Turn around time is about 2 weeks and I can do a bunch of them at once for you if you put a deposit down. Stock up for winter!

Anyway, if anyone has any ideas for things I can give as incentive for donations, drop me a line. I'm not a very good artist, and I don't do many scribal things yet. I could do little bags with some beading or something...hmmm...

Ok, time to get to bed. Sorry this took so long to get out, but I'm still a little tired. My body lost about 40 pounds in a week due to the excercise and the eating restrictions.

Yours in Service,

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Emergency Update

So the worst happened and my maternal grandfather died. This is not so much a problem for me as my family. He and I had our differences and he's not in pain anymore. I'm glad for that. Cancer is a fierce competitor, but he was almost as fierce. Almost.

So I had less time than I thought I would to finish the class for Pennsic. We leave tonight at about 2am. We hope to get into Slippery Rock at about 7:30 or 8am so we'll see you Wargoers there. My first prerogative is to get the tent set up and secure. Yes, it's done. Bryan has pictures, but I want to wait until I get back to do a big picture update. I'll show you the whole war. After that, I'll post my 35mm shots that I'm taking with my good SLR camera. I have to have them developed and scanned, so it'll be a week or so before those are up.

For those of you travelling to War soon, drive safely and slowly. Stop to help stranded SCAdians if you see them, even if it's just to call the tow truck or to provide moral support until the tow truck arrives. You may find you just helped the Crown Princess of Such-and-such change her tire and be rewarded for it.
Imbibe safely during War and don't let your drinking eyes get bigger than your stomach.
Treat all ladies (and lords) with respect--remember "no" means "no".
Ask her age if she looks 21 and acts 12, because she's prolly 15.
Wear a rubber.
Look before you leap.
Say no and mean it.
Don't drink anything you cannot identify by smell or trustable person.
Report bad fire handling, fights, or attacks to security and anyone who'll listen.
Volunteer to waterbear, cook, wash dishes, or just give someone in camp a break from their kids for ten minutes while they lay down.

Have fun.

Yours in Service,
Gillian de Chelseye