And here are some pictures as I promised. Don't laugh at me, the camera adds 10 pounds, especially in bad light and with a crappy cell phone camera. Either way, it's a chemise done. At that point I'm pretty sure that the collar wasn't finished, but now it is. These are a few months old. I made Bryan's garb and took pictures to prove that he actually put it on. He would only let me do the ones where he wasn't in his cote alone. His surcote is nice though. I made him a yellow gardecorps as well that he didn't try on for the camera.
My lord, maybe I'm glad that he doesn't play. He's a handsome devil and all the ladies would be on him. He's exactly a foot taller than I and skinny as a rail. Jack Sprat and his wife, we are. Between the both of us, we lick the platter clean.
So back to this chemise I made. I made two for my first Pennsic two years ago and then fell out the Game for a few years. They were horrible. I don't know what possessed me to make them that way. I've got pictures somewhere, so ask me if you see me and I'll find them. Think drawstring neckline. Also think lace-up bodice. In ugly upholstery fabric. Gawd awful. I didn't want to waste the fabric, so I ripped the arms off and then sewed them back on properly in t-tunic fashion. Got rid of the drawstring, added side gores and properly hemmed everything. The second one got everything except the side gores, which are sitting on the sewing pile, ready to be set in. The second one needs hemming that needs to be done.
Speaking of old garb, I ripped almost everything apart and have either saved the fabric for something else, or already re-sewn it into something fun. I seem to have a penchant for men's clothing, so I've got the beginnings of braises measured, but not cut.
Ok so I have the Velcro attached, the plastic is duct taped for the shower stall, and I've been informed that I should probably be using grommets for the fabric as well as rope to attach it to the poles. Bah. I don't have a grommet setter, though I'm sure someone will loan me one. The plastic is just so you don't completely drench the fabric part. Not that important.
I have the poles picked out. I found four fence posts in the barn at my mom's as well as two shepherds hooks for hanging bird feeders; one has two hooks and the other is a single. I'll be testing the whole thing (including the shower bag that needs to be washed out) this weekend if I can borrow a grommet setter tonight.
In other news:
I've finished trimming the peplos for warm weather and wore it to the populace meeting on Monday. It worked out well, though I do need a thinner belt to wear with things like this. One more of these to do and my hot weather, camp work garb is ready.
I'm taking my linen to practice tonight to get it checked by Lucien. If it's rapier approved, I can use it for heavies too.
So that's it for now, more updates tomorrow probably, about practice.
Yours in service,
Gillian de Chelseye
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